Sunday, October 14, 2007

Welcome to our new blog spot!

Hi Family & Friends,
Someone told us that there's this new thing called the "world wide web" - did you know about this? Supposedly, the web has these things called "blogs" which allow you to share thoughts, pictures, news, etc. In fact, if you're reading this now, then you are, in fact, visiting a "blog"! What will they think of next - small phones that you can take anywhere with you and carry in your pocket? Yeah - like that will happen.....

Anyway, Mike, Susie and Natalie plan to use this space to 20% of it's maximum capacity - just enough to share news and pictures with you, but probably not enough to completely bore you with our day to day lives. We hope you enjoy this space, and we hope it's helpful in keeping us all in touch. Feel free to post comments anytime - if you can figure out how to do it. This is new technology, after all.

First Report: Natalie - She never stops eating!!!

If this were the title of our first blog story during Natalie's teenage years then I'd probably get some grief about it. However, considering the fact that she's only 8-weeks old, this is really a good thing. Of course, this is only my opinion - Susie may give you a different answer!

Natalie continues to grow and develop, and each day with her brings new joys. At birth, she was a whopping 20" and 6.3 pounds. Nearly 2 months later, she unofficially measures 23" and is probably close to 11lbs. She's smiling much more often these days, especially in the mornings. This makes it much harder for Mike to go to work each day. Next week is her 2mos Dr. appt - we'll share the official stats once we get them.

Susie continues to enjoy the good life at home with Natalie, including 2-3 naps per day, trips to see family & friends, long walks in the neighborhood, and so much more. Seriously though - we feel truly blessed for the time that Susie gets to spend with Natalie.

Fun Item of the Month: McDonald's Monopoly Game Update
As EVERYONE knows, October is the official month of the Monopoly game at McDonald's. The game serves as our annual attempt to change tax brackets, but so far we've had limited/no success. Believe it or not, the occasional "Free Mcflurry" game piece does little to affect our family finances. With this in mind, we're asking (read: begging) for your help. The next time you go to McDonalds - and we know that you go - please let us know which pieces that you get. If we've got some that will help you then we'll share. If you've got some that will help, then we hope that you'll share too. If we win, then we'll work out some sort of profit sharing agreement that will be beneficial to both parties. Good luck!!

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